I appreciate the upgraded classrooms in the B-Wing
with the new technology and movable furniture.
• The bulk of our classrooms and offices feel airless
and dark. The weird R wing classrooms are the
exception, like 173
• B139. I like the color of the walls, the white paint
for writing on, the technology set-up.
• I like the campus facilities.
• The ASC because of the white boards.
• I teach 100% online so I have not used the
classrooms to teach but I have spent time in a few
of them. They were all very spacious.
• Heritage Hall - only wish it was bigger.
• I don’t have a particular classroom I love.
• I appreciate the upgraded classrooms in the
B-Wing with the new technology and movable
furniture. • My classes have been online so far so I don't have
any input for this question.
• The Anatomy labs because it creates a sense of
technological advancement and progress.
• G45/46 and B101- Big open spaces
• R 277 because it's the only classroom I teach in
that has windows! Already having an office with
no windows, it can get a bit depressing to also
teach in classrooms all day that don't have them,
especially during the winter when I frequently
arrive in the morning when it's still dark outside
and leave in the afternoon when it's already
getting dark out.
• I like the ones with multiple projectors. Every
student can see.
• Yes, I like B108 because it is bright and spacious.
G45/46 is nice too.
• Big classrooms where a class of 24 students can
spread out. I hate narrow classrooms with long
front board area. It's hard for students on each
end to see what is written on the board because
of the angle.
• Simulated Hospital, very engaging to students.
Nice to show it off.
• G-45. Large. Multiple screens and board space.
• The B135/137 classrooms. There's enough space
for a class, has whiteboards-- although the not-so-
bright projector is a drawback.
• Any classroom with a camera and a good mic
array for online classes. And dual monitors. I'd
like the ability to dim the lights (rather than just on
or off). I love rooms with whiteboards all around,
but I'd add a 360 degree rotation camera, or
something to allow online students to see other
whiteboards. Also, extra monitors.
• R277 because it has windows
Appendix C: For Condition Inventory click here
26 Great Falls College MSU