Institution’s Role and Mission
Great Falls College Mission
Vision Great Falls College MSU provides high quality
educational experiences supporting student
success and meeting the needs of our community
The vision of Great Falls College MSU is to
strengthen communities through excellence,
innovation and collaboration.
Strategic Plan
In fall 2022, Great Falls College MSU adopted a new strategic plan, Forging Futures. The plan focuses the
work of the college around 3 pillars:
PILLAR 1 - INCLUSIVITY: Remove barriers and provide support.
Academics: Clear the path for students to accomplish their educational goals.
Non-instructional: Foster an environment that expands enrollment and celebrates student
resilience. Campus Engagement: Create excitement for campus activities and events.
PILLAR 2 - OPPORTUNITIES: Increase awareness and engage communities
Branding: Distinguish Great Falls College by building brand recognition and community
awareness through consistent design and promotion.
Marketing: Intentionally target populations to support strategic initiatives of Great Falls
College. Alumni Relations: Develop opportunities to connect alumni with one another and Great
Falls College.
PILLAR 3 - EXCELLENCE: Learn, assess, and innovate.
Effectiveness: Seek and encourage efficiency and innovation in the work of the college.
Resources: Align human, physical, and/or financial resources to support strategic plan
initiatives. 4
Great Falls College MSU