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Preface Update on institutional changes since the March 2015 Year Seven Self-Evaluation Report The last report from the college, the Year Seven Self-Evaluation Report, was submitted in March 2015. Keeping with the mission of a two-year college to be flexible, nimble, and relevant to best serve its students and community, the college has made several changes since the last report. Those changes are the following: Students come first In a campus-wide campaign to encourage everyone to keep students at the forefront of everything, the campus adopted the theme “It Takes All of Us.” Dr. Susan J. Wolff, CEO/dean, challenged faculty and staff with the question “What did you do today to help a student come back tomorrow?” Faculty and staff are encouraged to submit stories of anything they did to help a student – helping someone find a classroom, offering encouragement about assignments or tests, congratulating success or listening to a student’s troubles. In January, faculty and staff signed cards of goals they would strive to do in the coming semester to “help a student come back tomorrow.” What have you done today to help a student return tomorrow? From adjunct faculty member: I had one student who had decided that she did not want to complete the EMT program because she felt overwhelmed after the first day of class. She came to my office on Tuesday to speak with me about it. I related a story about a young student who was pretty nervous, and after the first day, he wanted to withdraw from the EMT program. He spoke with me and I convinced him to give it the first week to try to let things settle. Well, after that first week, he came back to class. He was hooked on learning more about emergency services. He struggled and pushed through, he completed the course and obtained his EMT license. This student was awarded the EMT of the Year for 2015 from Great Falls Emergency Services, and I could not be more proud. As I related this story to her, I could tell that she could begin to identify with the student. She was still nervous, but she came to class on day two. Today is day three, I spoke with her after class yesterday and I expect to see her again today during class. Revised Mission, Vision, Values, Core Themes, Objective and Core Indicators Preparing the Year Seven Report was an ideal time to assess the relevancy of the college’s previous mission, vision, values, core themes, objectives and indicators. Based on that work and the development of a new seven year strategic plan, college faculty, students, staff, and administrators revised the mission, vision, values, core themes, objectives and indicators which were reviewed by the CEO/Dean’s Executive Advisory Council. The mission and vision were approved by the Board of Regents of the Montana University System at their September 2015 meeting. The entire package will be presented to the Regents at their March 2016 meeting. College Planning, Budget and Analysis Committee The College Planning, Budget and Analysis Committee (CPBAC) continues to be a robust piece of Great Falls College MSU’s commitment to shared governance. The committee expanded its membership to include all members of the Joint Directors Committee. This expansion added four members: the RevUp Great Falls College Montana State University 11