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What have you done today to help a student return tomorrow? Staff member: I assisted several students with finding their classrooms yesterday, in addition to putting them in contact with Julie Freshly for their insurance. I also worked with Division Directors to get the appropriate paperwork signed and submitted so instructors could begin teaching. It was a great first day and the students were very appreciative of the assistance as for some, it was their first day of college. Standard 1.B: Core Themes 1.B.1 The institution identifies core themes that individually manifest essential elements of its mission and collectively encompass its mission. The college meets its mission through core themes and objectives, which are measured by core indicators. Core Theme 1: Workforce Development Description: Prepare students to meet current and emerging workforce needs. Objective 1.1: Students enroll in workforce programs. Core Indicator 1.1: Workforce Program Enrollment Rationale: Participation in applied programs prepares students for entry into gainful employment or advancement in their current occupational areas. Measuring enrollment can help demonstrate whether individuals are finding the programs relevant in their career pathways. Measurements: Unduplicated headcount and full-time equivalent (FTE) of students enrolled in workforce degree programs. Excludes general education and associate degree students. Objective 1.2: Students are retained and graduated with the necessary skills and competencies for employment. Core Indicator 1.2.1: Workforce Program Retention Rationale: The longer students persist in applied programs indicates their increasing acquisition of the necessary2 skills and competencies for entry into gainful employment or advancement in their current occupational areas. Measurement: The proportion of degree-seeking students who began their enrollment at the college in workforce degree programs at the beginning of fall or summer term and who (1) were still enrolled for at least one credit as of census date in the fall of the next academic year, and (2) had not yet completed a degree or certificate. Those who have completed a degree are included in both the numerator and denominator when calculating persistence. Great Falls College Montana State University 27