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Message from the CEO/Dean Dr. Susan J. Wolff “Around here, however, we don’t look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things because we’re curious…and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” Walt Disney Great Falls College Montana State University – a college “on the move.” Great Falls College Montana State University continues to be “on the move.” The college’s 7-Year regional accreditation from the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities was reaffirmed July 2015. The Commission commends the college for “1) updated technology systems and infrastructure for administrative, instructional, and student services; 2) active engagement with community organizations, business and industry, and school districts to respond to educational, workforce and economic development, and social needs of the community it serves; 3) creating instructional facilities and labs to provide hands-on learning; 4) effective use of resources to expand facilities to serve business/industry/community needs; 5) an organizational structure that supports and enhances a seamless transition from developmental to college-level coursework; and 6) an ongoing commitment to an inclusive, transparent, and broad-based organizational planning and decision-making.” The college also maintains specialized accreditation for 10 programs. These professional and peer reviews, self-studies, visits, and reports strongly point to a college “on the move.” The following takes you to the accreditation web page. about/accreditation/index.html.