Great Falls College MSU is a student-centered two-year college that provides quality educational opportunities responsive to community needs. The vision of Great Falls College MSU is to strengthen communities through excellence, innovation, and collaboration. Our Mission is to provide high quality educational experiences supporting student success and meeting the needs of our community.
Academic Affairs is responsible for instruction at Great Falls College MSU and includes the General Studies Division, Health Sciences Division, Trades Division, Weaver Library, Teaching & Learning Center, Student Learning Assessment, Academic Support Center, Testing Center, and Lifelong Learning under the leadership of CEO/Dean Dr. Stephanie Erdmann.
Academic Affairs is comprised of a team of dedicated division directors, program directors, department chairs, and administrative staff. We are committed to student completion through a strong focus on excellence in teaching and learning. We are absolutely passionate about having an educated community. We know student experiences in the classroom, lab, and clinic, and online through remote learning are critical to student learning, persistence and success.
It is our intent to advance the college’s mission through a collaborative effort supported by the belief that we are accountable to the public; responsive to the community; dedicated to partnerships with business, industry, and education; and grounded in the standards and expectations of excellent teaching. We place the student at the center of our attention and efforts.