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Cyber Security Club Constitution

Article IV - Advisor: Qualification Criteria

The faculty or staff adviser of GFCMSU Cyber Security Club organization serves as the college's representative to the Cyber Security Club organization. The faculty or staff adviser of GFCMSU student organization should:

Be informed about the purpose and the programs of the Cyber Security Club.

Be aware of GFCMSU regulations and policies involving recognized organizations, especially those regarding use of GFCMSU facilities, alcoholic beverages, use of GFCMSU vehicles, and official GFCMSU travel, thereby providing guidance and continuity to the Cyber Security Club.

Provide advice that will direct the group's efforts toward meeting its long-term goals to include: Mentor, Team Building, Conflict Mediator, Reflective Agent, Educator, Motivator, Policy Interpreter

Article V - Meetings of the Organization

If none of the officers of the club can be in attendance at a given meeting then said meeting will not take place, as decisions cannot be made without the presiding officers. Members can still hold an independent meeting, but it will not be recognized as an official club meeting.

Article VI - Method of Amending Constitution: Proposals, notices and voting requirements

In the case that someone thinks that they need to alter the constitution or by-laws (if any) for bug fixes, adding features, or compatibility with new hardware, a quorum (3/4 of the voting membership) must vote and the vote must be a 2/3 majority. Voting can be in person or via some electronic medium provided that in either case a reasonable amount of certainty of identity can be secured. Amendments and changes should be taken advisedly and considered for a reasonable amount of time beforebeing implemented.

It is strictly discouraged that the constitution should be amended frequently. If it is to be amended, and by-laws do not exist, this this article (article VI) allows the creation of by-laws in favor of amending the main body of the constitution (this document).

It is further strictly discouraged that any amendments or by-laws restricting free commerce and creativity be created. New amendments or by-laws should not conflict with the above stated purpose of the club.

Article VII - Method of Dissolution of Organization

Should the club be forced to dissolve itself, any and all assets should be put toward the club's debt (if any). This includes university owned equipment or university funds.

The remaining assets (hardware, operating funds, etc) should be donated. The organization to which the assets are donated must be determined at the time of dissolution by the President, with approval of the supervisor.

Cyber Security Club Bylaws


This organization shall be known as 'Cyber-Security Club'.


This organization shall bring together students that share a common interest in Cyber-Security. It will also provide students with Leadership experience, mentoring for Cyber-Security, opportunities for Cyber-Patriot, hand-on experience, as well as resources for scholarships and grants.


Section 3.1 Eligibility

Organization membership terms will be one academic year with a need to be renewed each subsequent year. New or renewed, a membership may be granted at any point during the academic year and adheres to membership requirements of the Associated Students organization of Great Falls College MSU. No monetary dues will be collected for membership. Members have the right to attend and participate in official organization meetings and vote for officers in the organization. All members must maintain at least a C average in all classes currently enrolled in at GFCMSU. All members are required to attend all meetings, 24-hour notice if member will not be available for the meeting. (Emergencies are handled on a case by case basis). All member must communicate through the organization chosen preferred method.

Section 3.2 Termination of Membership

To maintain membership, a member must attend official organization meetings and participate in Collegiate Cyber Competitions, cyber patriot is not collegiate. If member is signed up for a competition, member must give at least 2 weeks' notice if they are unable to participate in the scheduled event. (Emergencies are handled on a case by case basis). Membership can be revoked, and students banned from organization activities due to inappropriate behavior. A majority vote by the officers is required to revoke membership.


The Lead Advisor for this organization shall be full time faculty or staff at GFC MSU. If resignation should occur, the Lead Advisor and Executive Board must choose a successor unanimously. If a successor cannot be chosen through unanimous vote, it shall be decided by the General Studies Director.

Executive Board

Section 5.1 Selection Process

The organization shall have four officers. During the inaugural year these positions are to be appointed by the Lead Advisor. In subsequent years, they will be determined by vote. Officers can be discharged from their position due to dereliction of duties, corruption, and/or inappropriate behavior. A unanimous vote by the other officers and the Lead Advisor is required to remove an officer from their position. If a position is vacated, it shall be filled by order of succession for the remainder of term, unless a majority vote of the officers call for a special election. Order of succession is as follows: President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary.

Section 5.2 Responsibilities

President: This officer supervises all other officers, making sure that they fulfill their duties. The President shall plan and lead all organization meetings where official organization business is discussed. The President also acts as the Communications Director, this includes creating and/or maintaining social media accounts, speaking with the media, and sharing announcements with members. The President will work with the Events Coordinator to promote and/or special events.

Vice President: This officer acts as the membership coordinator, which entails maintaining a membership roster, tracking membership obligations, and recruiting new members. For all meetings, the Vice President is responsible for taking detailed notes and attendance as well as sending such information to all other members and advisors within five days following each meeting. The Vice President may volunteer to help plan special organization events. If the President is unable to attend an official organization meeting, then the Vice President will take over those responsibilities for that meeting.

Treasurer: This officer shall manage any and all funds the organization may have in a transparent and organized fashion. The Treasurer reports on the state of organization funding at all official organization meetings. This includes an up-to-date total balance and a list of new revenues and expenditures. The Treasurer will be responsible for applying for grants/special funding from the college or any other source. The Treasurer will also be expected to help plan any and all fundraising events.

Secretary: This officer shall be the lead organizer for all organization events. This includes organization meetings, fundraising events, field trips, community volunteering, and social events. The Secretary also works with the President to maintain social media accounts. While other members may plan events, they must report to and be supervised by this officer.


Official organization meetings must be held at minimum once a month. The President, Secretary, or Lead Advisor can schedule more than one official organization meeting per month if necessary. New and continuing business is discussed at these meetings, such as planning for upcoming events. Quorum for these meetings is a minimum of 3 officers, or 2 officers and the Lead Advisor. All meetings should include updates by each officer on their duties. Regular members must attend a minimum of one meeting per academic year. Prospective members may also attend these meetings, if interested. Informal gatherings among members are encouraged, but no official organization business shall be conducted as such gatherings.


This organization does not require membership dues. If the organization is in need of funding official business, then members must seek donations, organize fundraisers, apply for grants, or seek specific student organization funding from GFC MSU. Members may donate to the organization treasury. Absolutely all uses of organization funds require a majority vote of the officers; organization funds cannot be used without a majority vote by the officers.

Officer Elections

All officers are appointed by election, except during the inaugural year when they are appointed by the Lead Advisor. All appointments are for one academic year. The term limit for a particular position is two years, and terms do not have to be served consecutively. Prospective officers must be members of the organization and hold a student status of at least six credits with GFC MSU. A member that wants to run for office shall notify either the President or Lead Advisor through Self Nomination only. Elections will occur during the last four weeks of the standard academic year and should be organized by the current year's officers. These elections are to elect officers that will begin serving during fall semester of the next academic year. Voting is open to all current members. Voting is to be done through online platform and members should be given a minimum of five days to cast their votes. If the difference in number of votes between the two leading candidates for any position is less than two percent of the total votes cast, then an automatic recount should be held to ensure that results are accurate. In the case of a tie for first place, there will be a special election between those two individuals. If the results of the second election also result in a tie, then a winner is to be chosen by the highest roll of Icosahedron.


This document may be amended at any meeting of the association by the affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the Executive Board present, provided that any proposed change shall be presented for discussion and debate no later than the two (2) weeks prior to the meeting and that it be listed on the agenda for that meeting.


Date Time Event Location
10/9/2019 05:30pm-06:30pm Meeting GFCMSU Room B126
10/23/2019 05:30pm-06:30pm Meeting GFCMSU Room B126
11/13/2019 05:30pm-06:30pm Meeting GFCMSU Room B126
11/05/2019 TBD Cyber Patriot event GFCMSU
11/27/2019 05:30pm-06:30pm Meeting GFCMSU Room B126
12/06/2019 TBD Cyber Patriot event GFCMSU
12/13/2019 05:30pm-06:30pm Meeting GFCMSU Room B126

This year the college hosted the CyberPatriot Cyber Camp with support from the Computer Technology department and volunteer support from the Cyber Security Club. The camp is designed to prepare middle school and high school youth from around the area to compete in CyberPatriot competitions which are held throughout the school year. The camp presented the students with cybersecurity concepts as well as how to be safe on computers. At the end of the camp participants were given the opportunity to compete in a mock competition on the last day in which they use what they learned to harden and protect operating systems in a timed competition environment.

CyberPatriot is the National Youth Cyber Education Program. At the center of CyberPatriot is the National Youth Cyber Defense Competition. The competition puts teams of high school and middle school students in the position of newly hired IT professionals tasked with managing the network of a small company. In the rounds of competition, teams are given a set of virtual images that represent operating systems and are tasked with finding cybersecurity vulnerabilities within the images and hardening the system while maintaining critical services in a six-hour period. Teams compete for the top placement within their state and region, and the top teams in the nation earn all-expenses paid trips to Baltimore, MD for the National Finals Competition where they can earn national recognition and scholarship money.

Student Assisting in Cyber Camp
Student Assisting in Cyber Camp
Student and Professor Assisting in Cyber Camp
Professor Assisting in Cyber Camp

Cyber Club Membership form

Required information is marked with asterisk (*).

Cyber Club Membership Form

Contact Information

Steve Robinett: Club Advisor

Phone: 406-268-3721


Cheryl Simpson: Club Advisor

Phone: 406-771-4375
