This web page outlines Great Falls College's development, revision, approval, and removal process for college policies. 

Employees, students, and all other members of the Great Falls College community are also subject to federal and state laws, rules, and regulations, including policies of the Montana University System Board of Regents and the Montana State University affiliation. If a Great Falls College policy conflicts with any Board of Regents, MSU or with any state or federal law, rule, or regulation, the college policy is superseded. 

Great Falls College MSU formally approves university policies through an established process, publishes those policies in a consistent format, and maintains those official policies on a policy website. 

Policies are developed, reviewed, and approved in a manner that ensures consistency with the college's mission and with applicable law and guidance. Policies are reviewed at least every three years for necessary changes and/or continued need for policy. However, policies can be amended or removed at any time through the established process. 
