The Executive Council works collaboratively to provide strategic and operational leadership to fulfill the mission and vision of the college. This team helps functional areas set goals, develop strategies and ensure they are accomplished. The team provides a supportive environment to exchange information, solve problems, coordinate efforts, and create improvements to further the college’s mission.
Areas of Responsibility
- Provide cohesive, clear, consistent communications campus-wide
- Discuss and approve ideas, concepts, and initiatives brought forward by team members or campus committees
- Discuss, approve, and monitor functional-area strategic plans and initiatives
- Approve annual budget; position requests; new committees and programs, and facilities use
- Discuss and provide input on the annual professional development plan for staff and faculty
- Discuss and approve grant applications
- Discuss and provide input for on plans for technology, facilities, academics, marketing, and overall strategic plan
- Discuss and determine appropriate actions to ensure the health and safety of students, faculty, staff, and campus visitors
- Represent the college within the Montana State University and the Montana University Systems on teams, at events, and in meetings
- Represent the college within the greater northcentral Montanan communities, when necessary
Members of the Executive Council currently include:
- CEO/Dean
- Executive Director of Student Services
- Executive Director of Career & Technical Education
- Executive Assistant to the CEO/Dean
- Executive Director of Instruction
- Executive Director of Operations
- Executive Director of Community Relations
- Executive Director of Institutional Effectiveness