Advanced Placement (AP)  Examinations

Students, who have taken the Advanced Placement Examination (AP), will need to submit a copy of their scores to the Registrar’s office. AP Exams are available for various courses taken through AP.

To request a copy of your AP scores go to the College Board’s AP website

AP scores transfer to Great Falls College MSU by the following criteria:

  1. The Registrar’s office will only transfer in AP credits applicable to the student’s degree.
  2. Grades of 3, 4 or 5 on an AP examination will be granted for college credit for the appropriate courses.
  3. Pass Grades (TP) are assigned to all courses awarded from AP exams.
  4. Some programs at GFC MSU limit the use of pass/fail courses in their curriculum.
  5. There is a 25% PLA cap on the number of PLA credits that may be used for a student's degree at GFC MSU

GFC MSU AP Exam Equivalency

AP Test Title

Minimum Score Required

Number of Credits

Equivalent Course

2-D Art and Design

3 3 ARTZ 000

3-D Art and Design

3 3 ARTZ 000

African American Studies

3 3 SOCI 000

Art History

3 6 ARTH 160


3 4 & 4 BIOB 160 & BIOB 170

Calculus AB

3 4 M 171

Calculus BC

3 4 & 4 M 171 & M 172

Calculus BC: AB Subscore

3 4 M 171


3 4 & 4 CHMY 141 & CHMY 143

Chinese Language and Culture

3 8 ML 000

Comparative Government and Politics

3 3 PSCI 000

Computer Science A

3 3 CSCI 111

Computer Science Principles

3 3 CSCI 105

English Language and Composition

3 3 WRIT 101

English Literature and Composition

3 3 & 3 LIT 110 & WRIT 101

Environmental Science

3 4 SCI 000

European History

3 3 & 3 HSTR 101 & HSTR 102

French Language and Culture

3 8 ML 000

German Language and Culture

3 8 ML 000

Human Geography

3 3 GPHY 000

Italian Language and Culture

3 8 ML 000

Japanese Language and Culture

3 8 ML 000


3 8 ML 000


3 3 ECNS 202


3 3 ECNS 201

Music Theory

3 3 & 2 MUSI 105 (3cr) & MUSI 140 (2cr)

Physics 1: Algebra Based

3 4 PHSX 000

Physics 2: Algebra Based

3 4 PHSX 205

Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism

3 4 PHSX 200

Physics C: Mechanics

3 4 PHSX 220


3 4 M 151


3 3 PSYX 100

Spanish Language and Culture

3 4 & 4 SPNS 101 & SPNS 102

Spanish Literature and Culture

3 3 SPNS 000


3 4 STAT 216


3 3 ARTZ 000

United States Government and Politics

3 3 PSCI 210

United States History

3 3 & 3 HSTA 101 & HSTA 102

World History: Modern

3 6 HSTR 160


Pass Grades (TP) are assigned to all courses awarded from AP exams.

Students must have official AP scores sent to GFC MSU for review.

Last updated 9/18/2024

To Learn More About PLA:

Contact The Advising and Career Center:

