Oversee and manage the curriculum at Great Falls College.
Areas of Responsibility
- Consider, make recommendations to, and approve curriculum (incorporates programs and courses) proposals originating from faculty, programs, departments, chairs, Faculty Senate, and Curriculum Council;
- Consider creation, modifications and deletions to curriculum;
- Determine that any program or department potentially affected by a proposed modification has been notified and has been given an opportunity to provide a written or oral response to the proposal;
- Establish procedural policies which will include a provision to ensure that curriculum proposals and proposed modifications receive timely consideration;
- Publish its agenda, meeting time and meeting place so that interested persons have an opportunity to attend and participate in council deliberations;
- Track and maintain council membership and officers through elected terms;
- Maintain and update Curriculum Council forms as needed to comply with stakeholder requirements.
Members of the Curriculum Council consists of 12 members: For the purpose of representing
a wider selection of faculty membership, faculty positions will be filled by any academic
program director or faculty.
The Curriculum Council will consist of:
- Two faculty elected from Health Sciences division
- Two faculty elected from General Studies division
- One faculty elected from Career & Technical Education division
- One faculty elected at large from any division
- One faculty elected at large to represent adjunct faculty
- Two students appointed by Associated Students of GFC MSU
Ex-Officio Members:
- Executive director of instruction
- Registrar
- Assessment committee chair
- Accreditation liaison officer
- Academic advisor
*A quorum of the Curriculum Council will consist of fifty percent (50%) plus one of
the voting non-student membership. No meeting will be official unless a quorum is
A Chair and Vice Chair will be elected from among the seven elected faculty members.
Term Limits
Members will serve a four-year term through a staggered rotation with the exception
of student representatives who will serve a one-year term. Terms end the last meeting
of the spring semester. Members are not limited on the number of terms they can run
for upon re-election into the council. Officers will serve a two-year term and can
run for as many terms as they wish if re-elected into the position.
See Curriculum Council by-laws for additional information.