The Great Falls College Staff Senate Association (GFCSSA)
The GFCSSA is a governing body that represents the classified staff at Great Falls College. The GFCSSA serves as a communication conduit between staff and administration at the college and state levels. The GFCSSA works to promote stability and professional development of staff, enhance campus relations, and develop staff-related activities that contribute to student success and institutional effectiveness.
Staff Senate meetings are open to everyone!
All meetings are open to everyone and time will be allotted for questions and comments.
All meetings are accessible using Microsoft Teams and will be recorded.
Improvements? Changes? Ideas? Let your voice be heard!
The Staff Senate was created to give all staff members a voice in the governance of Great Falls College MSU. We want to hear any suggestions you may have for a healthy, happy, and productive working environment. Please note that the Staff Senate does not discuss union issues such as pay increases and time off.
Please use this anonymous suggestion form. Anyone may use the form including staff, faculty, students, and the public.
Executive Members
EJ Suek
Vice President
Kayla McKinley
Courtney Brooks
Joshua Archey
Pam Buckheit
Vacant Position