The Great Falls College Montana State University Student Emergency fund has been established to help currently enrolled students on the path to academic success during a personal and unexpected crisis or hardship. Whether they need to replace personal belongings after a devastating fire, cannot afford necessary prescriptions, or are unable to pay for an emergency medical procedure, the fund provides financial assistance. Our goal is to provide assistance when these unforeseen circumstances threaten a student’s ability to stay in school and complete successfully. Funds are made available through the generous donations of family, friends, alumni of GFC MSU, and the Associated Students of Great Falls College MSU Student Senate.
Students who would like to be considered for limited funding available through the Student Crisis Fund must meet minimum criteria. However, we encourage any student in need to apply as exceptions may be made depending on circumstances. In general the following conditions must be met:
- Must be a resident of the state of Montana
- Must have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 at the time of the request
- If the student applicant is receiving Financial Aid, they must be maintaining Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) as defined in the Financial Aid SAP policy
- Must have completed at least 6 credits at GFC MSU (dual credit courses not included)
- Must be enrolled for a minimum of 6 credits in the semester for which assistance is requested
- Must demonstrate an unmet financial need
- Must explain and/or document the unforeseen situation
- Must not have been found responsible for violating the GFC MSU Code of Student Conduct
Procedure to request funds
When a student experiences a hardship or an unforeseen financial difficulty and needs assistance to cover essential needs, a faculty or staff member may complete a Student Crisis Fund request at the link below. This may be done in conjunction with the student or on behalf of the student. Because funds are limited, a lifetime maximum per student is in place.
The form asks for very basic information about the student and provides an opportunity to describe the circumstances of the need. The details of the student's information and circumstances will be kept confidential.
The Student Emergency Fund Advisory Committee (Chief Officer of Student Affairs, Financial Aid Director, and the Advising and Career Center Director) will consider each request and determine whether the Fund could be used for the circumstance. Decisions will be made as soon as possible.
The Committee will:
- Review the application along with any supporting documentation;
- Make a decision to accept, reject, or suggest other resources to address the need;
- If request is accepted, determine an appropriate dollar amount; and
- Provide details in writing to the applicant.
Examples of how current situations/students could immediately benefit from such a fund:
- The ability to purchase a gas card for a student in case of an emergency.
- The ability to purchase a jacket for a student during the winter season if they do not own one.
- Victim of a crime and school supplies/items were stolen (backpack, flashdrive, etc.).
- Broken equipment utilized in an academic setting (tools, etc.).
- Student is unable to afford a prescription.
- Car repairs needed in order to come to class.