The 2016-2022 Strategic Plan establishes the baseline for decision making across campus for college executives, staff, and faculty. Using and understanding data is critical when working to move the needle and helping students achieve success.

The Goal

Help every student define their purpose, plan, and path resulting in on-time completion.


Great Falls College MSU provides high quality educational experiences supporting student success and meeting the needs of our community.

Strategic Goals

Strategic Goal 1: Promote student success, leading to increased retention and completion

Integrate high quality, high impact practices.


Within 5 years, 70% of graduates have experienced two high quality, high impact practices.

Annual goals:

By May 2021, at least 80% of programs will have identified at least one high-impact practice and developed plans for implementation and tracking.

By May 2022, 90% of programs will have identified two high-impact practices with plans for implementation; 75% of programs will have implemented one high-impact practice.

(Tentative goals – to be reviewed in 2022)

By May 2023, 50% of graduates will have experienced at least one high quality, high impact practice.

By May 2024, 60% of graduates will have experienced two high quality, high impact practices.

Support students in articulating and attaining their educational goals.


Within 5 years, 100% of a random sample of degree-seeking students have a documented purpose, plan, and path.

Annual goals:

By October 2020, 55% of a random sample of degree-seeking students will have a documented purpose, plan, and path

By October 2021, 65% of a random sample of degree-seeking students will have a documented purpose, plan, and path.

By October 2022, 75% of a random sample of degree-seeking students will have a documented purpose, plan, and path.

(Tentative goals – to be reviewed in 2022)

By October 2023, 85% of a random sample of degree-seeking students will have a documented purpose, plan, and path.

By October 2024, 95% of a random sample of degree-seeking students will have a documented purpose, plan, and path

Provide faculty and staff development to assist in developing, implementing, and assessing high quality, high impact practices.


Within 5 years, 50% of faculty participate in professional development pertaining to student success (integrative educational model).

Within 5 years, 50% of staff participate in professional development pertaining to student success (integrative educational model).

Annual goals for metric 1:

By May 2021, 10% of faculty participate in professional development pertaining to student success (integrative educational model).

By May 2022, 20% of faculty participate in professional development pertaining to student success (integrative educational model).

(Tentative goals – to be reviewed in 2022)

By May 2023, 30% of faculty participate in professional development pertaining to student success (integrative educational model).

By May 2024, 40% of faculty participate in professional development pertaining to student success (integrative educational model).

Annual goals for metric 2:

By May 2021, 10% of staff participate in professional development pertaining to student success (integrative educational model).

By May 2022, 20% of staff participate in professional development pertaining to student success (integrative educational model).

(Tentative goals – to be reviewed in 2022)

By May 2023, 30% of staff participate in professional development pertaining to student success (integrative educational model).

By May 2024, 40% of staff participate in professional development pertaining to student success (integrative educational model).

Identify and implement opportunities for collaboration between curricular and co-curricular units to support student success.


Joint Director task forces (Enrollment & Engagement and Retention & Completion) will demonstrate successful collaboration by accomplishing stated goals and tasks according to deadlines stated in committee tracking spreadsheets. (NOTE: These are set by the committees.).

Strengthen the student learning assessment process.


Within five years, the student learning assessment of a random sample of students will show an improvement over the baseline set in 2022 for program-level goals.

Annual goals:

(Tentative goals – to be reviewed in 2022)

By May 2023, the student learning assessment of a random sample of students will improve 25% over the baseline set in 2022.

By May 2024, the student learning assessment of a random sample of students will improve 25% over the results of May 2023.

Strategic Goal 2: Increase enrollment and retention of General Education and General Studies students to ensure sustainability

Implement an integrated educational model to help reduce the time to graduation and increase satisfaction.


Within five years, increase by 10% the proportion of General Education and General Studies students who graduate within 150% time.

Within two years, 75% of student survey respondents will report positive experiences on the integrated educational model survey (ability to work, focus on classes, manage homework, feeling prepared).

Annual goals for metric 1:

Each year, increase by 2% from the previous year, the proportion of General Education and General Studies students who graduate within 150% time.

Annual goals for metric 2:

Each year, increase proportion of positive responses by 2% over the previous measures on the integrated educational model survey (ability to work, focus on classes, manage homework, feeling prepared)

Encourage enrollment through the Connections 101 partnership.


Within two years, 75% of applicants referred to Connections 101 will enroll in the program.

Within five years, students who successfully complete Connections 101 and enroll at GFC MSU in General Education or General Studies will have a retention rate at or above the campus retention rates.

Annual goals:

By Spring 2021, students who successfully complete Connections 101 and enroll at GFC MSU in General Education or General Studies will have a retention rate within 20 percentage points of the campus retention rates.

By spring 2022, students who successfully complete Connections 101 and enroll at GFC MSU in General Education or General Studies will have a retention rate within 15 percentage points of the campus retention rates.

(Tentative goals – to be reviewed in 2022)

By spring 2023, students who successfully complete Connections 101 and enroll at GFC MSU in General Education or General Studies will have a retention rate within 10 percentage point of the campus retention rates.

By spring 2024, students who successfully complete Connections 101 and enroll at GFC MSU in General Education or General Studies will have a retention rate within 5 percentage points of the campus retention rates.

Strategic Goal 3: Strengthen the campus culture and work environment.

Increase documentation and improve processes for shared governance.


By Fall 2022, audit of committees will show that 100% of committees have updated reports on structure, goals, process and progress.

Annual goals:

By end of Fall 2020, committee master list will be updated, guidelines for committees will be established, a flowchart of committee structure will be developed.

By the end of spring 2021, create internal audit system for committees to evaluate their processes and efficacy.

By Fall 2021, establish consistent method and repository for reports and information.

(Including process for disbanding committees)

Annually, collect/document updated committee info.

Assess faculty and staff participation in health and wellness, personal, management, and professional development opportunities.


By beginning of Fall 2021, develop a plan to assess participation.

Based on the assessment during AY 2021-2022, develop a plan to improve participation in targeted areas, effective Fall 2022.

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